Stay hydrated, kids.

Fun facts: This comic is based on a true story. I typically avoid buying bottled water, but a family friend gave me some not too long ago, and I didn’t turn it down. Even though I didn’t feel particularly thirsty, I decided to drink some before dinner. The way my body welcomed and embraced the water I was putting into it played out a lot like what happens to Chris in this comic. I have since learned that I should probably actively hydrate myself more often, and I wanted to spread this good, good message to others.

Also, yes, Chris is indeed making Softboy and another toy of his, Moth, play Battleship together. Chris got a lot of board games last Christmas, but the pandemic has been making it really hard to play them with anybody. Fortunately, the residents of Chrisville don’t mind getting a little competitive!

The topic of this week’s comic was actually one of three ideas that I ran by a few of my friends. “Chris drinks water” won by a unanimous vote.

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