Finally, our first multi-part comic comes to an end! You can read Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4 over here.

Fun fact: I realized that in the previous parts, there were a few moments where Softboy wasn’t holding the Dick Deadeye hat. I decided to make these errors an official part of the comic by having Softboy canonically drop the hat.

Also, this is the first real story-related appearance for the Butterfly Bear! Their Josephine costume is based on the HMS Pinafore production that inspired this whole comic.

If you liked this adventure and want to see more, make sure to follow this blog, or consider visiting my Ko-Fi page

We’re back to our regularly scheduled programming with Part 4 of our first multi-part comic, in which I apparently decided to not use any backgrounds whatsoever. You can find Part 1 here, Part 2 herePart 3 here, and Part 5 here!

Fun facts: If you’re wondering who is directing the Chrisville Theater Society’s production of HMS Pinafore, it’s (obviously) Chris. However, it’s not unheard of for a toy to direct a show. 

In panel 5, Chris is reading the Gilbert and Sullivan treasury that can be spotted in Part 1.

Since I was running out of time to finish the comic this week, the penultimate panel contains a modified reused illustration from my thesis project, The Adventures of Softboy Pillowman.

If you don’t want to miss the next part, make sure to follow this blog! And please consider visiting my Ko-Fi page. 

A little something special for Pride Month! Softboy Pillowman says gay rights :3

We’ll be back with regular comics next week, so stay tuned. 

Fun fact: Each of the toys in this drawing are representing their specific identities. (Softboy and Madame Croc are trans, Leo is bi, and the Butterfly Bear is genderfluid). Even if you don’t see your specific pride colors here, rest assured that Softboy Pillowman and the rest of the toys in Chrisville support all parts of the LGBT community. 

If you like this art, make sure to follow the blog and consider visiting my Ko-Fi page. 

It looks like today, we have a very special comic indeed.

From the ages of 5-12, I wanted to be a police officer. For years, I dreamed of this because I wanted to save people. I wanted to defend my community from “bad guys”, to help bring justice and order to a chaotic world.

Now, I’ve grown up and I know better. 

Racism and police brutality may be hard to talk about, but it is utterly cruel to condone their existence in our lives. Our police system has become so racist and corrupt that countless officers mistreat and murder innocent people of color, and now they are attacking peaceful protesters without a shred of guilt or hesitation. It’s impossible to believe in the forces of law and order when these deaths are allowed to continue with little justice done in their aftermath, or when police assault protestors and reporters with tear gas and brute force, all to make way for an egotistical idiot’s photo-op.

Parents, talk to your kids about this. It’s a heartbreaking subject, but it’s an important one. Teach them that while racism and police brutality are undoubtedly a part of our lives, they don’t have to be. Teach them that they can fight to make things better, even if they are unable to attend a protest. Teach them that they have the right to grow up to be respected adults in a much more peaceful world.

If you have the money to spare, then please consider donating to charities that support the black community (such as Black Lives Matter, Color of Change, and Black Visions Collective) and bail funds for protestors, as well as the George Floyd Memorial Fund to support the Floyd family. Feel free to find and share even more places to support in the fight against injustice and oppressive systems.