This week’s art is a little… interesting. Softboy and Dirk aren’t
able to cooperate long enough to play Tic-Tac-Toe, much less come
together for something as close and personal as fusion. Fusion isn’t
even something the citizens of Chrisville are capable of doing, although
they do sometimes wonder what the results would be like.

once an idea forms in my mind, it cannot be chased out so easily. So
here is the answer to the question nobody was asking: what would a
fusion of Softboy and Dirk look like?

The answer: Spruce. He has
Softboy’s outgoing personality and love of performing, but still deals
with Dirk’s temper and tendency to bring up rude topics. He has just
enough goodness in him to know that he shouldn’t lash out at people, or
care about the way he’s seen by others, but the occasional insult and
wave of self-consciousness will still bubble to the surface. Because he
has two minds at war inside of him, Spruce constantly criticizes himself
and even deals with panic attacks from time to time.

NOTE: Spruce will not feature in any upcoming comics. This is just a “What If?” scenario.

Fun fact: Spruce’s design is based off of Woody from Toy Story, who is also made of both plush and tough components.

Also, Spruce’s name is based on the fact that spruce is a SOFTwood.

If you like this art and want to see more, make sure you’re following the blog and feel free to check out my Ko-Fi page!

Since Chris’s sister is a baby, it doesn’t take much to convince her that Chris is the coolest brother ever.

Perhaps we’ll see that new bud sometime in the future…

Fun fact: This week’s art was inspired by an actual toy that I recently won from an actual crane game while visiting relatives. In fact, the toy that Chris managed to snag is heavily based on my glorious prize.

Also, a few of the toys in the “Grab A Bud”’s pile of cheap wonders are OCs of mine that I haven’t posted about yet. (Only one of my followers will be able to recognize them. You know you who are. :3)

If you like this art and want to see more, make sure you’re following the blog and feel free to check out my Ko-Fi page!

Softboy Pillowman is super supportive of all gender identities!

Fun fact: This comic is based off of this meme:

Also, “poggers” is not a normal word in Softboy’s lexicon. Chris might be a modern youth, but he is still very confused by the word. He knows about and references this meme, though, because Lori sent it to him and it really resonated with him.

In case you forgot, the Butterfly Bear doesn’t have any binery because they’re genderfluid!

If you like this comic and want to see more, make sure you’re following the blog and feel free to check out my Ko-Fi page!

I recently reminded myself of how different Softboy’s and Leo’s first impressions of each other are in my comics compared to my original thesis project. That inspired these goofy drawings of the general vibes of both meetings.

Fun fact: Longtime readers of this blog will know that this doesn’t directly quote Softboy and Leo’s first meeting.

If you like this comic and want to see more, make sure you’re following the blog and feel free to check out my Ko-Fi page!