Wow, Dirk gave a great performance! Or that could be the Chrisville Theater Society’s talent principle, which allows all of its members to have the amount of talent that is appropriate for both their role and the enthusiasm they put into their acting. Either way, things seem to be going very well!

Fun facts: The musical notes drawn in panels one and eight are based on the actual musical notes that precede and follow the number “Deh, vieni alla finestra,” which Dirk is singing here. If you want to hear a good example of how this song sounds, then you can check out this video here. It isn’t from the production that inspired the design of the Chrisville Theater Society’s production of Don Giovanni, but it’s still very good.

In case anyone was curious, the translation of this song is mainly a literal one. I read quite a few poetic translations before deciding to go with this one (which, while resembling a Google translate search, did not depend entirely on Google translate. I did my own research.)

Also, as you might’ve noticed, Madame Croc and Wagon Wheels (long time, no see) are also in costume. Madame Croc is cast as Donna Elvira and Wagon Wheels is cast as Donna Anna.

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