Well. I’m ready for another hiatus.

I love this webcomic with all of my heart, and I am so grateful to this blog’s loyal readers. (Especially those of you who give feedback :3 I really appreciate that) Unfortunately, keeping up with this weekly comic takes a lot of time and focus, and that’s been taking a toll on me.

So, for the next month or two (depending on how much time I need to take care of other important life stuff), the Antics of Softboy Pillowman will be on a semi-hiatus. I will still draw weekly art, but not “full-length” updates. Honestly, once the current Dirk arc is completed, I am REALLY going to try shifting to a simpler comic story format to keep from dancing close to burnout.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

 If you like this comic, make sure to follow the blog, or consider visiting my Ko-Fi page!