Flashback time! It looks like the mystery dialogue from last week was a memory of past rehearsals. (To those of you who need reminding, the Chrisville Theater Society put on a production of Don Giovanni some months ago. Dirk played Don Giovanni and Softboy played Leporello.) But why is Dirk revisiting his memories of being the lead in this opera? Perhaps the answer will be clear after we see more…

Fun fact: Some of our more observant readers might be thinking, “Wait. Didn’t Dirk play Don Giovanni before he gained his anthropomorphic form?” Technically, you’re correct. The Don Giovanni comic came before the “Dirk’s New Form” comic. However, I have an official author retcon answer: Dirk figured out his anthro form in the middle of rehearsals. The theater society didn’t officially end their production of Don Giovanni until later.

Also, Softboy isn’t pretending in the last panel. He truly does think Don Giovanni is the worst. The song they’re referring to is just super good, and is performed best at its most “sincere.”

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