Another Internet Show Appearance!

Yesterday, I appeared on my friend’s Facebook comedy show The Alternative Cobra Meeting, which had its Feet & Ball Transatlantic Soccer Special. Feet & Ball is their comedy sub-show where they discuss football (aka soccer) with non-football people. You can watch the recorded episode right here.

This show definitely has a bit of mature humor in it, (I’d say it’s about PG-13) but I recommend checking it out if you want to see and hear more of the author behind this comic, along with some other really funny people. I do have a few moments where I talk about Softboy Pillowman and some aspects of storytelling, but most of the show is joking about football related news.

I was on an Internet talk show recently called Social Distance Warriors! It was really fun, and I got to talk about this blog and about Softboy Pillowman as a whole. If you have time, I recommend checking it out. If you just want to see the parts with me in them (which include a couple of games with the hosts and the other guests), then watch 9:24-20:30, 1:07:55-2:04:30, and 2:12:37-2:14:40.

Since this blog is for all audiences, I will give a minor warning for swearing and mentions of adult content, but it’s mostly just joking around.