It’s time for things to get pretty silly in Part 4 of our current multi-part comic. You can check out Part 1 here, Part 2 here, and Part 3 here. 

Fun fact: Since the toys’ doodles for Dirk’s “Sad Horse” form are fairly obvious, I don’t think I need to say what real-world cartoon they’re referencing. If you’re wondering how Chris is allowed to watch such a mature show, then it probably won’t surprise you to hear that he technically isn’t. Chris has his own little profile on his dad’s Netflix account, but it’s still a kid’s account. Chris has figured out, though, that as long as he doesn’t try watching Netflix using his dad’s account while his dad is using it on another device, Chris can get away with seeing things his dad has already watched. He doesn’t do this all the time, and he doesn’t do it out of the thrill of watching mature stuff for the sake of being “grown-up.” He came for the animal-people and stayed for the incredible storytelling. And the puns.

Also, this update was actually supposed to be the finale. However, I ran out of time this week, so I decided to split the intended comic into two parts. You’ll have to wait til next week for the conclusion!

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