It looks like another member of Chrisville learned how to harness the power of his imagination.

… Hooray?

The dress rehearsal of “The Wild Wooders” continues, and it’s starting out well so far. Don’t let Softboy’s acting fool you: he really does love this number. And it’s hard to be scared when you’re confident that the people threatening you are just acting… right?

You can find part one of the dress rehearsal here.

Just a reminder to everyone: Moth’s mouth isn’t moving because it doesn’t have to. Moth communicates through vis moth-shaped pendant, which is why vis dialogue comes out all fuzzy and cool.

The musical
The Wind in the Willows is indeed a real show, and the Chrisville
Theater Society’s costumes are based on those of the 2017 London
Palladium production. You can rent the musical here.
(I am not sponsored by the musical in any way, I just thought promoting
it was the least I could do after referencing so much of this

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