@penny-anna: FELIX i just noticed the ‘argument’ in the background over how to spell theatre and i’d like to know who is responsible
Haha, you’re the second person I know of to comment on that! The purple crayon is Leo Lion. The gold is Softboy. (That’s why the little purple angry face has a kitty frown)
Both Leo Lion and the Chrisville Theater Society are based off of what Chris knows about his British uncle, who is himself part of a G&S society back in England. (In fact, as an American, I hadn’t heard the word “society” used in a club-like context outside of a few major organizations; I think it’s just a less common, but not rare, usage here). Because of this, Leo Lion is as British as an 8-year-old American child can imagine, which means speaking in a fancy accent, being very polite (but also more than a little sarcastic), and of course, staunchly defending the British spellings of words.
Softboy loves Leo Lion, but he’s also a stubborn American with his own views of how words are spelled. The other toys don’t particularly care, outside of some light teasing for Leo, but will certainly support Softboy in any of these arguments.
(Don’t even get them started on aluminum…)