They’re still working on the hat, but Leo’s almost all prepared to join Softboy in Chrisville’s Halloween celebrations. That is, if these strange little arguments don’t keep interrupting everything.

Fun fact: I was going to put in a more fitting punchline, where Leo brings up a number of beloved properties that were sullied by tacky American movie adaptations (ie The Smurfs, Alvin and the Chipmunks, almost any work by Dr. Seuss, etc.). However, not only could I not think up a list long enough for the punchline to be suitably funny, but also my computer started to malfunction and I lost a day or so of work because of it. Exhausted, I finally scrambled to shove in an actual argument I had with a British friend a week or so ago about calling ketchup a “tomato sauce.” I checked this argument with another UK friend, and it seems to be a legit difference in understanding.

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October is here, and Softboy has already prepared his Halloween costume. However, he may have started an interesting discussion on whether or not toys need dress codes.

Fun fact: This comic contains a sneaky little reference to a Softboy comic I drew in my notebook a while back and shared with a select group of friends. I couldn’t redraw the comic for the blog, though, since its humor was obviously 13+. I thought I might as well smuggle the fun bit into another story.

If you like this comic and want to see more, make sure you’re following the blog, and feel free to check out my Ko-Fi page!

Looks like Softboy and Leo may not be Chrisville’s only power couple…

Fun fact: The ideas written on the chalkboard- Monarch, Peacock, and Very Hungry Final Form- are all types of butterfly! (At least, this is what a quick Google search told me in regards to the first two) However, this doesn’t mean the Butterfly Bear will stick with the butterfly theme. There’s a lot of time between now and Halloween, after all.

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Stay hydrated, kids.

Fun facts: This comic is based on a true story. I typically avoid buying bottled water, but a family friend gave me some not too long ago, and I didn’t turn it down. Even though I didn’t feel particularly thirsty, I decided to drink some before dinner. The way my body welcomed and embraced the water I was putting into it played out a lot like what happens to Chris in this comic. I have since learned that I should probably actively hydrate myself more often, and I wanted to spread this good, good message to others.

Also, yes, Chris is indeed making Softboy and another toy of his, Moth, play Battleship together. Chris got a lot of board games last Christmas, but the pandemic has been making it really hard to play them with anybody. Fortunately, the residents of Chrisville don’t mind getting a little competitive!

The topic of this week’s comic was actually one of three ideas that I ran by a few of my friends. “Chris drinks water” won by a unanimous vote.

If you like this comic and want to see more, make sure you’re following the blog! Also, consider checking out my Ko-Fi page.

Softboy always tries his best.

Fun fact: This comic is based on how, while I seemed to constantly hear the Cha Cha Slide as a young child at every field trip and dance-like school event, I could never, for the life of me, remember all of the steps. 

I’ve actually been sitting on this comic for quite a while. Since last November, it only existed as a series of sloppy pen sketches in one of my college notebooks. Until now, that is.

If you like this comic, make sure you’re following the blog, and feel free to visit my Ko-Fi page!

While this blog isn’t your typical “ask blog,” we’re always happy to answer asks! If it’s a simple question, then you’ll probably get a typed answer, or maybe a one-panel response. If it’s something juicy, though, your question could be the foundation for a weekly comic! (And if it’s a disrespectful ask/anon hate, your letter’s going straight in the trash. Return to sender, baby.)

If you like this comic, make sure you’re following the blog, and feel free to visit my Ko-Fi page!

Softboy doesn’t like to sleep alone.

Fun facts: Softboy’s intrusive thoughts show two moments from my thesis project’s trilogy- Dirk hitting Softboy (which is officially part of the comic lore) and Softboy being taken away (which remains only a fear in the comic canon).

See if you can spot the references to the NSP song “I Don’t Know What We’re Talking About.”

If you like this comic, make sure you’re following the blog, and feel free to check out my Ko-Fi page!


This comic is a bit of an apology to anyone who has been wondering why the antics of Softboy Pillowman have been so theater-focused as of late. This is because Softboy Pillowman and I are both huge theater nerds. Rest assured, we shall begin stories that specifically focus on LGBT-issues very soon!

Fun fact: Softboy actually started the free trial on his website earlier than this comic was published, so he’ll only have it up until a couple weeks from now. Still, he’s happy to have the possibility of expanding on it once he gets some more disposable toy income.

If you like this comic, make sure you’re following the blog, and feel free to check out my Ko-Fi page!

And with that, we have a humanoid form for Dirk and a finale for our latest multi-part comic. You can read Part 1 here, Part 2 here, Part 3 here, and Part 4 here.

Fun facts: In the second panel, when Softboy says that the Chrisville Theater Society should do “Pirates,” he is, of course, referring to the Gilbert and Sullivan operetta The Pirates of Penzance.

Dirk’s lineart was inspired by the way My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic uses colored outlines. Dirk may not like to hear that this was a source of inspiration for me, but it’s true. (This also means that Softboy’s earlier comment on how Dirk is ordinarily hard to draw was largely ignored for this form’s design. This method took me forever to figure out, and Dirk’s human form will be used sparingly as a result.) 

Also, Dirk’s grain made me download an additional brush asset for Clip Studio Paint for the first time. I’ve just been making do with the basic brushes until now.

If you like this comic, make sure to follow the blog, or consider visiting my Ko-Fi page!

It’s time for things to get pretty silly in Part 4 of our current multi-part comic. You can check out Part 1 here, Part 2 here, and Part 3 here. 

Fun fact: Since the toys’ doodles for Dirk’s “Sad Horse” form are fairly obvious, I don’t think I need to say what real-world cartoon they’re referencing. If you’re wondering how Chris is allowed to watch such a mature show, then it probably won’t surprise you to hear that he technically isn’t. Chris has his own little profile on his dad’s Netflix account, but it’s still a kid’s account. Chris has figured out, though, that as long as he doesn’t try watching Netflix using his dad’s account while his dad is using it on another device, Chris can get away with seeing things his dad has already watched. He doesn’t do this all the time, and he doesn’t do it out of the thrill of watching mature stuff for the sake of being “grown-up.” He came for the animal-people and stayed for the incredible storytelling. And the puns.

Also, this update was actually supposed to be the finale. However, I ran out of time this week, so I decided to split the intended comic into two parts. You’ll have to wait til next week for the conclusion!

If you like this comic, make sure to follow the blog, or consider visiting my Ko-Fi page!