Today’s prompt “In Your Style” didn’t really make much sense to me, so I decided to finally experiment with the Animal Crossing style!

Softboy’s hair looks a little different than it should, but when I Google searched images of player hair, I couldn’t find a satisfactory style. So I chose the next best one.

We’re getting a little dark with today’s prompt: “Post-Apocalpyse.”

Fun fact: Softboy’s patched up eye actually comes from the events of my original thesis trilogy. Near the end of the third book, Softboy finds himself in the middle of a huge fight, one that takes a turn for the worse.

Leo’s injuries, though, have all been invented for today’s drawing. Hopefully, nothing in either book or comic canon will ever make them come true.


I’ve chosen to dedicate this year’s Inktober (or whatever you call your daily October drawing challenge) to my new Softboy blog. Every day this month, you’ll get to see a messy notebook drawing featuring Softboy and Leo Lion. I will be using the prompts from this OC-tober list by user @tdnoodle-doodles​ because it looked really fun.

Today’s prompt is 1. “Their Regular Outfit.”