Happy Pride Month everybody! To celebrate, I’m gonna share art every
week in which members of Chrisville show off their beautiful and unique
identities. These characters are toys, so all sexualities depicted here
are more akin to romantic attraction.

Sergeant Block: aromantic asexual

Velvel Fox: gay

I hope you all enjoyed seeing this month’s art as much as I enjoyed drawing it!

If you like this content, make sure you’re following the blog. As always, if you want to support me, please visit my Ko-Fi page!

Happy Pride Month everybody! To celebrate, I’m gonna share art every week in which members of Chrisville show off their beautiful and unique identities. These characters are toys, so all sexualities depicted here are more akin to romantic attraction. Also, trans identities mean that the toys are trans-coded, and have backstories that are similar to social transition.

Softboy Pillowman: gay transman

Leo Lion: bisexual

If you like this content, make sure you’re following the blog. As always, if you want to support me, please visit my Ko-Fi page!