I recently reminded myself of how different Softboy’s and Leo’s first impressions of each other are in my comics compared to my original thesis project. That inspired these goofy drawings of the general vibes of both meetings.

Fun fact: Longtime readers of this blog will know that this doesn’t directly quote Softboy and Leo’s first meeting.

If you like this comic and want to see more, make sure you’re following the blog and feel free to check out my Ko-Fi page!

….d-does softboy have teeth? I’m sorry if this is a massively strange question, but I woke up at 3am thinking about this and it won’t leave me alone

Haha, that’s a good question! Definitely something worthy of making people wake up at 3 AM.

This touches on a question that I’ve thought about ever since I first watched Toy Story: how do toys who were made with closed mouths have teeth, or even open their mouths, when they come to life?

The main answer is, of course, plot reasons. Because it would be too unsettling to have eternally smiling toys as your main characters.

Basically, a lot of toys in Chrisville don’t have teeth until Chris brings them to life in his mind. Even Leo doesn’t originally have teeth!

Leo’s teeth are more obvious because he’s a lion, and Chris wanted to show off those fangs of his. Softboy, however, would have “normal” human-like teeth, but Chris probably doesn’t even consider Softboy’s teeth unless he’s giving a toothy grin, or is biting something.

So to paraphrase Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, Softboy has teeth only when it’s funny necessary.

Happy Pride Month everybody! To celebrate, I’m gonna share art every week in which members of Chrisville show off their beautiful and unique identities. These characters are toys, so all sexualities depicted here are more akin to romantic attraction. Also, trans identities mean that the toys are trans-coded, and have backstories that are similar to social transition.

Softboy Pillowman: gay transman

Leo Lion: bisexual

If you like this content, make sure you’re following the blog. As always, if you want to support me, please visit my Ko-Fi page!

Aaaand with that, I announce another hiatus!

While making this comic is a lot of fun, and I’m still full of motivation to continue this story, working on such long comics every week is wearing me out. I’ve still got one more part of the Show Betrayal storyline to do before that whole arc is finished. After that, I’m going to focus on drawing smaller comics, and hopefully maybe even act like an ask blog for once.

For the next couple of months, though, I’m taking a break. I love Softboy to pieces, but I’ve been neglecting other projects that I want to focus on. Also, I just wanna get some dang sleep.

However, don’t worry! I’ll still be making content for this blog every Saturday. They’ll just be single, more self-indulgent pieces of art. You can even send in suggestions for what you want to see, as long as it’s not too difficult!

As always, if you like this content, make sure you’re following the blog, and if you wanna support me, leave a tip on my Ko-Fi page.


Softboy says that it’s important to set boundaries, especially if you’re at risk of being hurt.

Fun fact: We have reached the end of what I’ve been calling the “Confrontation” chapter of this theater society story arc. The final chapter shall begin… in a while. I’ll be posting an update on future plans sometime next week.

If you like this comic, make sure to follow the blog, or consider visiting my Ko-Fi page!

This week, we dive into the crayon-colored lore of the bedroom, as told by our favorite plush lion.

Fun fact: This comic references the plot of the original Softboy Pillowman book I made for my senior thesis project. There are a few differences, of course, but I even referenced a few of the original illustrations for some of the panels.

If you like this comic and want to see more, make sure you’re following the blog, and

feel free to check out my Ko-Fi page!