Another Internet Show Appearance!

Yesterday, I appeared on my friend’s Facebook comedy show The Alternative Cobra Meeting, which had its Feet & Ball Transatlantic Soccer Special. Feet & Ball is their comedy sub-show where they discuss football (aka soccer) with non-football people. You can watch the recorded episode right here.

This show definitely has a bit of mature humor in it, (I’d say it’s about PG-13) but I recommend checking it out if you want to see and hear more of the author behind this comic, along with some other really funny people. I do have a few moments where I talk about Softboy Pillowman and some aspects of storytelling, but most of the show is joking about football related news.

I was on an Internet talk show recently called Social Distance Warriors! It was really fun, and I got to talk about this blog and about Softboy Pillowman as a whole. If you have time, I recommend checking it out. If you just want to see the parts with me in them (which include a couple of games with the hosts and the other guests), then watch 9:24-20:30, 1:07:55-2:04:30, and 2:12:37-2:14:40.

Since this blog is for all audiences, I will give a minor warning for swearing and mentions of adult content, but it’s mostly just joking around.

Happy New Year, everybody! Whether your year was disastrous, or only partly a nightmare with some good bits mixed in, I think we can all agree that a break from 2020 is long overdue.

This blog also needs a break. While I’ve had a lovely time making weekly comics since Leap Day, that took up quite a lot of my free time and energy. That’s why The Antics of Softboy Pillowman will be taking a two-month hiatus. I’ll still be working on Softboy stuff in the meantime, but it will be plans for an actual Softboy picture book or two. (And hopefully, at least one short story that’s unrelated to Softboy Pillowman)

Thank you for following my silly little toys’ adventures. I’ll see you all again in March!