Steven Universe is already one of my favorite cartoons, but Chris would love it to pieces. I found it absolutely fitting to use SU characters for today’s prompt “Fave Cartoon/Anime Character,” with Softboy as the titular Steven Universe and Leo as his magical Lion.

Fun fact: I actually have a comic planned where Softboy rides on Leo like he’s doing here. I’m not sure when I’ll officially make it, but hopefully it’ll be soon…

For today’s prompt “Fave Movie Character,” I decided to go with one of my favorite childhood movies. (My current favorite movie wouldn’t really allow for a duo costume, and it’s WAY too mature for this blog and the toys of Chrisville.)

Here’s Leo dressed as Westley and Softboy dressed as Buttercup from the classic fairy tale romance film The Princess Bride. I suppose it would be The Prince Husband in this case?


Not entirely Pokémon (my cutie on the left) but a little guest appearance from @softboy-pillowman. This blog belongs to one of my closest friends in the world. You should check him and his friend out!

Ahhh, thank you so much! Softboy would love to be thrown into a Pokémon-filled adventure. :3

Everyone, please visit this blog. It’s only just started, but it’s sure to be awesome.

They’re still working on the hat, but Leo’s almost all prepared to join Softboy in Chrisville’s Halloween celebrations. That is, if these strange little arguments don’t keep interrupting everything.

Fun fact: I was going to put in a more fitting punchline, where Leo brings up a number of beloved properties that were sullied by tacky American movie adaptations (ie The Smurfs, Alvin and the Chipmunks, almost any work by Dr. Seuss, etc.). However, not only could I not think up a list long enough for the punchline to be suitably funny, but also my computer started to malfunction and I lost a day or so of work because of it. Exhausted, I finally scrambled to shove in an actual argument I had with a British friend a week or so ago about calling ketchup a “tomato sauce.” I checked this argument with another UK friend, and it seems to be a legit difference in understanding.

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