This fanart was drawn by the talented artist gaymarriedinspace, whom you can find on Tumblr.

The perfect adventure buddy. Thanks again! Your art is wonderful as always.

Note: This art was originally posted on Tumblr on April 5, 2020.



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We’re back to Halloween planning with this week’s comic! Madame Croc can get a little flustered when it comes to her crush on the Butterfly Bear, but it won’t stop either of them from having a fun Halloween. This comic also features the return of Moth, and the debut of vis cryptid humming speech.

If you like this comic and want to see more, make sure you’re following the blog and feel free to check out my Ko-Fi page!

When thinking of what to do for today’s prompt “Fairytale,” only the popular Eurovision song came to mind. Here is Softboy singing “Fairytale” while Leo wonders what he’s inflicted on the world.

Fun fact: Leo’s skeptical reaction may seem harsh, but it’s only because when Softboy gets into music-related things, he tends to sing/play them on repeat for a good while. I’ve actually been thinking of drawing a comic where this happens with a lion-related love song, but the movie it’s from is kind of mature.

(Also, the last time I saw people talking about the movie, they really didn’t like the idea of it)

In order to make up for this week’s post not being Halloween-themed, I replaced today’s prompt with a spooky experimental “Pasteltober” drawing. This was inspired by an idea I had for a Softboy Halloween special, where Softboy tells his friends the scariest story he can imagine. More often than not, the scariest stories are based on experience, and anxiety can make even your loved ones sources of terror…

Regarding the change in the Theatre/Theater Society sign, which of the cast are Team Theatre and which are in Team Theater? And which team is winning?


The answer is a resounding “Americans outnumber Brits” with Team Theater firmly in first place. 

Honestly, only a few members of Chrisville actually insist that “theater” is the only proper spelling of the word. The rest are just there to mess with Leo. 

Fun(?) fact: This week was supposed to continue the cute saga of our loveable characters figuring out their Halloween costumes. Unfortunately, my old drawing tablet finally reached the end of its working life, and I was left without digital drawing instruments for a few days. By the time I got a replacement, there was too little time to do such a long comic. This week’s drawing is the first work I’ve done on my wonderful new tablet, which was kindly donated to me from one of my nearest and dearest friends. Hopefully, we’ll be back on the Halloween track next week!

If you want to keep learning about the drama of Chrisville, make sure you’re following the blog and feel free to check out my Ko-Fi page.