This fanart was drawn by the talented artist gaymarriedinspace, whom you can find on Tumblr.

The perfect adventure buddy. Thanks again! Your art is wonderful as always.

Note: This art was originally posted on Tumblr on April 5, 2020.



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Happy Halloween, everybody! This year’s Halloween might be pretty different than usual, and a lot more scary in all the wrong ways, but that doesn’t mean we still can’t have fun and connect with our friends. No matter how you’re celebrating it, Softboy Pillowman and everybody in Chrisville wishes you all a lovely, spooky holiday.

Also, let’s give a warm welcome to Chris’s two best human friends, Lorrie and Makena! They won’t appear too frequently, since this blog is centered around the toy world in Chris’s bedroom, but they’re currently two of the most important people in Chris’s life. Lorrie is dressed as a pirate, and Makena is wearing an impressive homemade costume of Wolf from the cartoon Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts.

Fun facts: The two spooky movies that Chris mentions in the second panel are, as you can see from the posters, The Nightmare Before Christmas and the 1990′s version of The Witches.

Also, don’t worry. Chris likes all the “gross” candy his friends are giving him. 

If you like this comic and want to see more, make sure you’re following the blog and feel free to check out my Ko-Fi page!

For today’s prompt, “At A Con/Ren Fair”, I had Softboy and Leo dress up in one of the few duo costumes I hadn’t already used this month. (Also, this was inspired by one of my favorite cosplays, and which got me some compliments at an NYCC.) Here is Leo dressed as Rincewind the Wizzard and Softboy dressed as Twoflower the tourist, both from Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series.

Today’s prompt, “Sport/Workout Clothes,” was interesting. Neither Softboy nor Leo are particularly into sports, and they don’t really need exercise because they’re plush toys. I decided that Softboy would be the kind of person who gets into being a trainer or motivator for his loved ones. (Even if they don’t particularly want one.)

I kinda cheated with today’s prompt “Fave Book Character.” Here are the other Softboy and the other Leo from a Coraline version of another, more twisted, Chrisville.

Chris may be sweet and soft, but just like me, he loves Coraline, both the movie and the book. It may be a little harder to fall asleep at night, but that’s the price you pay for quality storytelling.