Chris hasn’t been to a funeral yet, so he only has a small idea of what happens during them. He assumes that there’s a part where you get snacks and drinks. Having so many people show up for a long period of time and not having refreshments? Now that would be miserable.

Fun(?) fact: If you’re wondering how a toy can “die,” this was due to Squeaky Jr accidentally coming into contact with a dog. Dogs may be cute, but you never want to risk putting a plush toy near one. 

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More tales from the Chrisville quarantine! Technically, all of the toys could be considered as “living together,” since they all live in Chris’s bedroom. However, Softboy and Leo live in the same cardboard box house, which is what Leo is referring to. Also, if you’re wondering how a plush lion toy has an armchair, Chris will occasionally ask his parents for dollhouse furniture so he doesn’t have to handmake every single part of Chrisville. 

Fun facts: if you look closely, you can see that the “Funnies” strips are 1) a Loss reference (I’m so sorry) and 2) a rudimentary comic from the in-universe Grumpy Grey franchise (I believe I’ve mentioned it before; basically it’s this universe’s equivalent of Garfield)

Also, this was my most recent homework assignment for my Experimental Narratives class! We had to write and illustrate a 4-panel comic. I tried my best to do something that played with the format and boundaries of a 4-panel comic, and then realized I’d rather draw original fluff instead. (My classmates were largely underwhelmed. I am unappreciated in my time.)

If you like this comic, remember to follow the blog or visit my Ko-Fi page!

I was planning on saving this character’s About page until after they debuted in the comic, but I couldn’t resist. 

Everyone, give a nice, gentle welcome to the Butterfly Bear. They are a teddy bear that always wears a winged butterfly hoodie; take off the hood and you’ll see their cute lil ears. They are genderfluid and use he/him, she/her, and they/them pronouns depending on how they feel at the time. However, they would like for people to use they/them when the Butterfly Bear is not around to say what gender they are at that moment.

Fun fact: the Butterfly Bear is based on an actual toy that I’ve owned for almost my whole life. However, I can’t find any evidence of this toy existing on the Internet, nor can I pin down the company that made it. 

It looks like everyone has to worry about the current pandemic, even the residents of Chris’s bedroom. Fortunately, enduring quarantine is a little easier when you’re able to spend it with friends. 

Fun fact: The cardboard box that houses the Chrisville Theater Society contains a reference to the G&S society that I joined when I studied abroad in England. Softboy’s sailor outfit is also a reference to the show we did during that time, and is a clue to what Chris did with his toys over the spring break. 

If you like this comic, make sure to follow the blog or visit my Ko-Fi page!