It’s time for things to get pretty silly in Part 4 of our current multi-part comic. You can check out Part 1 here, Part 2 here, and Part 3 here. 

Fun fact: Since the toys’ doodles for Dirk’s “Sad Horse” form are fairly obvious, I don’t think I need to say what real-world cartoon they’re referencing. If you’re wondering how Chris is allowed to watch such a mature show, then it probably won’t surprise you to hear that he technically isn’t. Chris has his own little profile on his dad’s Netflix account, but it’s still a kid’s account. Chris has figured out, though, that as long as he doesn’t try watching Netflix using his dad’s account while his dad is using it on another device, Chris can get away with seeing things his dad has already watched. He doesn’t do this all the time, and he doesn’t do it out of the thrill of watching mature stuff for the sake of being “grown-up.” He came for the animal-people and stayed for the incredible storytelling. And the puns.

Also, this update was actually supposed to be the finale. However, I ran out of time this week, so I decided to split the intended comic into two parts. You’ll have to wait til next week for the conclusion!

If you like this comic, make sure to follow the blog, or consider visiting my Ko-Fi page!

Here’s Part 3 of our surprisingly long journey towards giving Dirk a humanoid form. You can check out Part 1 herePart 2 here, and Part 4 here. I hope you all like constantly changing character, background, and prop sizes! (Let’s be honest. You’re here for the story. Not the art.)

Fun fact: In case you didn’t know, Softboy’s miraculous conjuration of a rainbow while saying the word “imagination” is a reference to a famous and oft-memed scene from Spongebob Squarepants. Dirk calls it stealing, but I call it an homage. 

If you like this comic, make sure to follow the blog, or consider visiting my Ko-Fi page!


Things get a bit more interesting (and meta) in Part 2 of our current multi-part comic. You can read Part 1 here, Part 3 here, and Part 4 here.

Fun(?) fact: It is indeed very hard to draw Dirk. Sometimes, the look of an entire comic will change just because I’ve realized that I just can’t draw Dirk at certain angles. It also doesn’t help that only one side of him can visibly emote.

If you like this comic, make sure to follow the blog, or consider visiting my Ko-Fi page!

It’s time for another multi-part comic! It looks like business between Dirk and the Chrisville Theater Society isn’t quite finished yet. You can find Part 2 here and Part 3 here.

PLEASE NOTE: Softboy Pillowman and the toys of Chrisville want to remind their loyal readers that you shouldn’t be ashamed of the way you’re shaped, no matter what your body is like. As you’ll see in the next parts of the comic, this is more of a playtime-related issue than any actual issue with Dirk’s form. 

If you like this comic, make sure to follow the blog, or consider visiting my Ko-Fi page!

A little something special for Pride Month! Softboy Pillowman says gay rights :3

We’ll be back with regular comics next week, so stay tuned. 

Fun fact: Each of the toys in this drawing are representing their specific identities. (Softboy and Madame Croc are trans, Leo is bi, and the Butterfly Bear is genderfluid). Even if you don’t see your specific pride colors here, rest assured that Softboy Pillowman and the rest of the toys in Chrisville support all parts of the LGBT community. 

If you like this art, make sure to follow the blog and consider visiting my Ko-Fi page. 

It’s time for part three of our first multi-comic story, in which I realize that it’s hard to keep coming up with exciting angles for a conversation between two people. You can find Part 1 herePart 2 here, Part 4 here, and Part 5 here.

Fun facts: Here is the first appearance of another background character: Wagon Wheels the Yeti. She is a very sweet cryptid plushie and another blatant Classic Doctor Who reference. She has been cast as a member of the female chorus for this production of HMS Pinafore.

The Chrisville Theater Society’s production bears many visual resemblances to a version of HMS Pinafore that I was in a year ago. (In fact, Softboy is playing my role as a member of the chorus.) The costumes in the comic are only half-finished, but most are clearly inspired by what we wore then. However, Madame Croc’s Little Buttercup costume and Wagon Wheel’s sister/cousin/aunt costume are of my own design. 

If you don’t want to miss the next part, make sure to follow this blog! And please consider visiting my Ko-Fi page.


Chris hasn’t been to a funeral yet, so he only has a small idea of what happens during them. He assumes that there’s a part where you get snacks and drinks. Having so many people show up for a long period of time and not having refreshments? Now that would be miserable.

Fun(?) fact: If you’re wondering how a toy can “die,” this was due to Squeaky Jr accidentally coming into contact with a dog. Dogs may be cute, but you never want to risk putting a plush toy near one. 

If you like this comic, be sure to follow the blog or visit my Ko-Fi page!

It looks like everyone has to worry about the current pandemic, even the residents of Chris’s bedroom. Fortunately, enduring quarantine is a little easier when you’re able to spend it with friends. 

Fun fact: The cardboard box that houses the Chrisville Theater Society contains a reference to the G&S society that I joined when I studied abroad in England. Softboy’s sailor outfit is also a reference to the show we did during that time, and is a clue to what Chris did with his toys over the spring break. 

If you like this comic, make sure to follow the blog or visit my Ko-Fi page!