There may be tension among the cast, but the show must go on! Now the Chrisville Theater Society can finally start rehearsals for their production of The Wind in the Willows. But can Dirk keep his antagonistic tendencies in his acting? And what made Softboy so distressed in panel 13? Only time will tell…
Fun fact: In panel 6, Dirk is referencing how, near the climax of the Wind in the Willows musical, the Chief Weasel gets in a fight with Toad and lands quite a few hits on him.
Also, when Softboy says he doesn’t have a brain, he’s not being self-deprecating. He’s just stating that he literally doesn’t have a brain.
You can find Part 1 of this comic here. If you like this comic and want to see more, make sure you’re following the blog, and feel free to check out my Ko-Fi page!