This rehearsal is going to need more than a “take 5.”

The musical
The Wind in the Willows is indeed a real show, and the Chrisville
Theater Society’s costumes are based on those of the 2017 London
Palladium production. You can rent the musical here.
(I am not sponsored by the musical in any way, I just thought promoting
it was the least I could do after referencing so much of this

If you like this comic and want to see more, make sure you’re following the blog, and

feel free to check out my Ko-Fi page!

They don’t call plushies “soft” toys for no reason…

For those who need reminding, Lucky Buck (as well as Sergeant Block) is made of plastic. Dirk is made of wood. The other toys, like Moth, Velvel Fox, and especially Softboy, are soft, cuddly plush toys.

Well, it took a few posts, but I finally remembered to add musical notes to the sung parts of the comic. I still recommend you check out the song “The Wild Wooders” yourself, though, if only to know what this singing sounds like.

The musical
The Wind in the Willows is indeed a real show, and the Chrisville
Theater Society’s costumes are based on those of the 2017 London
Palladium production. You can rent the musical here.
(I am not sponsored by the musical in any way, I just thought promoting
it was the least I could do after referencing so much of this

If you like this comic and want to see more, make sure you’re following the blog, and

feel free to check out my Ko-Fi page!

Uh-oh. It looks like things are getting off-book….

It has just now occurred to me that, to those who aren’t familiar with this musical, some people may not know that these characters are singing some of their lines. Hopefully, this can be figured out through context clues. However, I recommend listening to the song “The Wild Wooders” in order for these comics to make the most sense.

The musical
The Wind in the Willows is indeed a real show, and the Chrisville
Theater Society’s costumes are based on those of the 2017 London
Palladium production. You can rent the musical here.
(I am not sponsored by the musical in any way, I just thought promoting
it was the least I could do after referencing so much of this

If you like this comic and want to see more, make sure you’re following the blog, and

feel free to check out my Ko-Fi page!

It looks like another member of Chrisville learned how to harness the power of his imagination.

… Hooray?

The dress rehearsal of “The Wild Wooders” continues, and it’s starting out well so far. Don’t let Softboy’s acting fool you: he really does love this number. And it’s hard to be scared when you’re confident that the people threatening you are just acting… right?

You can find part one of the dress rehearsal here.

Just a reminder to everyone: Moth’s mouth isn’t moving because it doesn’t have to. Moth communicates through vis moth-shaped pendant, which is why vis dialogue comes out all fuzzy and cool.

The musical
The Wind in the Willows is indeed a real show, and the Chrisville
Theater Society’s costumes are based on those of the 2017 London
Palladium production. You can rent the musical here.
(I am not sponsored by the musical in any way, I just thought promoting
it was the least I could do after referencing so much of this

If you like this comic and want to see more, make sure you’re following the blog, and

feel free to check out my Ko-Fi page!


so here I am again with an absolute shower-thought of a crossover.

still not entirely sure how and why I got suddenly wildly excited about the idea of muppets treasure island softboy pillowman, but here we are nonetheless.  this sure was a thing that happened.

Woah, this is so cool! It’s definitely a very good thing that happened. :3

Thanks so much for yet another awesome drawing. It’s always a joy to see how you draw the different toys of Chrisville.

Welcome back, everybody. We’re back from our two month hiatus, and a new year means new adventures for the residents of Chrisville!

The Chrisville Theater Society has just started dress rehearsals for their production of the musical The Wind in the Willows, and it looks like Dirk is actually excited to participate for once. … but will that be a good thing?

The musical
The Wind in the Willows is indeed a real show, and the Chrisville Theater Society’s costumes are based on those of the 2017 London Palladium production. You can rent the musical here. (I am not sponsored by the musical in any way, I just thought promoting it was the least I could do after referencing so much of this production.)

If you like this comic and want to see more, make sure you’re following the blog, and

feel free to check out my Ko-Fi page!


It’s taken me a while to finish, but here are the designs for Softboy Pillowman and Leo Lion, who will be starring in a future WITW animatic that I am collaborating on with @thescarletpaperback. Characters/designs/all the wonderful ideas belong to him and if you want to see more of his characters, please take a look at @softboy-pillowman!

This turned out beautifully! You always draw such wonderful artwork of this blog’s characters. :3

Happy New Year, everybody! Whether your year was disastrous, or only partly a nightmare with some good bits mixed in, I think we can all agree that a break from 2020 is long overdue.

This blog also needs a break. While I’ve had a lovely time making weekly comics since Leap Day, that took up quite a lot of my free time and energy. That’s why The Antics of Softboy Pillowman will be taking a two-month hiatus. I’ll still be working on Softboy stuff in the meantime, but it will be plans for an actual Softboy picture book or two. (And hopefully, at least one short story that’s unrelated to Softboy Pillowman)

Thank you for following my silly little toys’ adventures. I’ll see you all again in March!