So far, Softboy’s “Dirk Plans” are an insightful trip down memory lane. (Maybe they’re a little too insightful. Remember, Dirk has shown that he hates being seen as either goofy OR as an untrustworthy threat.) But it looks like Dirk’s just spotted something he didn’t expect…

In case you need a refresher after almost three months away from this arc, here’s the previous installment.

Fun fact: The drawing of Dirk in panel 7 is inspired by a gorgeous piece of fanart by @chiropteracupola. I hope I did it justice!

If you like this comic, make sure to follow the blog, or consider visiting my Ko-Fi page!

We’re back to the present day, and it looks like Dirk’s flashback has given him a lot to think about. But what business could he have outside of his perch?

Fun facts: Velvel Fox and Wagon Wheels are dressed as Otter chorus members for the song “Messing About in a Boat.” They come out and dance around Mole (Softboy) and Rat (Leo).

If you like this comic, make sure to follow the blog, or consider visiting my Ko-Fi page.

Welcome back, everybody! Our most recent hiatus is now over, and I shall finally resolve the aftermath of Dirk’s crimes in the Wild Wooders arc of this series.

Just in case you need a refresher for our ongoing story: The Chrisville Theater Society had started holding dress rehearsals for their production of the musical adaptation of The Wind in the Willows. However, while rehearsing the number “The Wild Wooders,” Dirk suddenly performed some threatening choreography towards Softboy, and did things that made our protagonist feel very unsafe. When confronted about his actions, Dirk refused to apologize, and even began to physically threaten the other inhabitants of Chrisville. Softboy had to step in and put Dirk in a timeout. Finally, he banned Dirk from playtime altogether.

Now, the dress rehearsals have started once again, albeit in a somewhat limited state. Dirk, after all, played the role of Chief Weasel, the main antagonist. But is a villain all he’ll ever be?

Fun fact: The Chrisville Theater Society is rehearsing the “Messing About in a Boat” number in this comic.

If you like this comic, make sure to follow the blog, or consider visiting my Ko-Fi page!

Welcome back, everybody. We’re back from our two month hiatus, and a new year means new adventures for the residents of Chrisville!

The Chrisville Theater Society has just started dress rehearsals for their production of the musical The Wind in the Willows, and it looks like Dirk is actually excited to participate for once. … but will that be a good thing?

The musical
The Wind in the Willows is indeed a real show, and the Chrisville Theater Society’s costumes are based on those of the 2017 London Palladium production. You can rent the musical here. (I am not sponsored by the musical in any way, I just thought promoting it was the least I could do after referencing so much of this production.)

If you like this comic and want to see more, make sure you’re following the blog, and

feel free to check out my Ko-Fi page!