So far, Softboy’s “Dirk Plans” are an insightful trip down memory lane. (Maybe they’re a little too insightful. Remember, Dirk has shown that he hates being seen as either goofy OR as an untrustworthy threat.) But it looks like Dirk’s just spotted something he didn’t expect…

In case you need a refresher after almost three months away from this arc, here’s the previous installment.

Fun fact: The drawing of Dirk in panel 7 is inspired by a gorgeous piece of fanart by @chiropteracupola. I hope I did it justice!

If you like this comic, make sure to follow the blog, or consider visiting my Ko-Fi page!



thank you all so much for the loan of your characters!  hope I managed to do them justice!

@ijustwanttosleepokay (sorry about using your old url, it got baked into the layers of the file somehow and I couldn’t figure out how edit it out neatly) @natdrinkstea @thescarletpaperback @maybeindigo @benjhawkins @sailorpants

Thank you so much! :3 You made Softboy look very cute and charming, as always.


so here I am again with an absolute shower-thought of a crossover.

still not entirely sure how and why I got suddenly wildly excited about the idea of muppets treasure island softboy pillowman, but here we are nonetheless.  this sure was a thing that happened.

Woah, this is so cool! It’s definitely a very good thing that happened. :3

Thanks so much for yet another awesome drawing. It’s always a joy to see how you draw the different toys of Chrisville.


so the latest comic from @softboy-pillowman has had me Full of Worry, but also made me want to draw dirk in his chief weasel costume.  and so I did.  that’s fashion right there!

Thank you so much for this wonderful art! Like always, it’s beautifully detailed, and I’m so touched that you made it. And you’re totally right. Dirk may not be one for fashion, but he certainly let himself get all dressed up for this role.

(and you might’ve made me realize that I forgot to give him the Chief Weasel’s fingerless gloves. At least he’s got them in your art!)


felt like trying my hand at a certain grumpy sword and friendly moth!  dirk and moth are the wonderful creations of the inestimable @softboy-pillowman!  by gosh, the entire comic is a ray of sunshine!

Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry I didn’t see this sooner! This is amazing! 😀 The swirl coloring on Moth’s hands, the monster paws and claws that are Moth’s feet, the wooden segment’s of Dirk’s fingers… this makes me really happy.

Thank you so much for the fanart, and I’m so glad you like the comic!