Time for things to get a bit darker this week (although hopefully, not too dark to read). Here’s an about page for our favorite stuffed cryptid, Moth!

Fun fact: Moth was inspired by a mothman plushie that I purchased at Flame Con and gifted to a friend of mine. (I did my best to put my own unique spin on Moth, though)

If you like this art, make sure to follow the blog, or consider visiting my Ko-Fi page!

For this week’s hiatus art, we see what it would look like if the Chrisville Theater Society performed The Play That Goes Wrong.

Fun facts: Last week, I saw an off-Broadway production of The Play That Goes Wrong and had an amazing time. I had already binged and re-watched Mischief’s television program The Goes Wrong Show, so having a front row experience with one of the funniest plays I’ve ever seen was more than enough to make me imagine the residents of Chrisville in these hilarious roles.

The trickiest bit of casting was Dirk as Robert and Leo as Chris. For The Play That Goes Wrong, I can actually see them alternating these roles. This is different with other Mischief projects. For The Goes Wrong Show, I always imagine Dirk as Robert and Leo as Chris. For Peter Pan Goes Wrong (the TV special version), it’s the other way around.

Finally, this image is, of course, based on the official poster for
The Play That Goes Wrong.

If you like this art, make sure to follow the blog, or consider visiting my Ko-Fi page!

Happy Pride Month everybody! To celebrate, I’m gonna share art every
week in which members of Chrisville show off their beautiful and unique
identities. These characters are toys, so all sexualities depicted here
are more akin to romantic attraction. Also, trans identities mean that
the toys are trans-coded, and have backstories that are similar to
social transition.

Moth: agender demisexual

If you like this content, make sure you’re following the blog. As always, if you want to support me, please visit my Ko-Fi page!

They don’t call plushies “soft” toys for no reason…

For those who need reminding, Lucky Buck (as well as Sergeant Block) is made of plastic. Dirk is made of wood. The other toys, like Moth, Velvel Fox, and especially Softboy, are soft, cuddly plush toys.

Well, it took a few posts, but I finally remembered to add musical notes to the sung parts of the comic. I still recommend you check out the song “The Wild Wooders” yourself, though, if only to know what this singing sounds like.

The musical
The Wind in the Willows is indeed a real show, and the Chrisville
Theater Society’s costumes are based on those of the 2017 London
Palladium production. You can rent the musical here.
(I am not sponsored by the musical in any way, I just thought promoting
it was the least I could do after referencing so much of this

If you like this comic and want to see more, make sure you’re following the blog, and

feel free to check out my Ko-Fi page!

It looks like another member of Chrisville learned how to harness the power of his imagination.

… Hooray?

The dress rehearsal of “The Wild Wooders” continues, and it’s starting out well so far. Don’t let Softboy’s acting fool you: he really does love this number. And it’s hard to be scared when you’re confident that the people threatening you are just acting… right?

You can find part one of the dress rehearsal here.

Just a reminder to everyone: Moth’s mouth isn’t moving because it doesn’t have to. Moth communicates through vis moth-shaped pendant, which is why vis dialogue comes out all fuzzy and cool.

The musical
The Wind in the Willows is indeed a real show, and the Chrisville
Theater Society’s costumes are based on those of the 2017 London
Palladium production. You can rent the musical here.
(I am not sponsored by the musical in any way, I just thought promoting
it was the least I could do after referencing so much of this

If you like this comic and want to see more, make sure you’re following the blog, and

feel free to check out my Ko-Fi page!

Welcome back, everybody. We’re back from our two month hiatus, and a new year means new adventures for the residents of Chrisville!

The Chrisville Theater Society has just started dress rehearsals for their production of the musical The Wind in the Willows, and it looks like Dirk is actually excited to participate for once. … but will that be a good thing?

The musical
The Wind in the Willows is indeed a real show, and the Chrisville Theater Society’s costumes are based on those of the 2017 London Palladium production. You can rent the musical here. (I am not sponsored by the musical in any way, I just thought promoting it was the least I could do after referencing so much of this production.)

If you like this comic and want to see more, make sure you’re following the blog, and

feel free to check out my Ko-Fi page!


felt like trying my hand at a certain grumpy sword and friendly moth!  dirk and moth are the wonderful creations of the inestimable @softboy-pillowman!  by gosh, the entire comic is a ray of sunshine!

Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry I didn’t see this sooner! This is amazing! 😀 The swirl coloring on Moth’s hands, the monster paws and claws that are Moth’s feet, the wooden segment’s of Dirk’s fingers… this makes me really happy.

Thank you so much for the fanart, and I’m so glad you like the comic!


This took me forever to finish and I’ve been working on it nonstop for a few weeks now. I wanted this done for his birthday, but looks like I made it in time for Christmas. I drew all of @thescarletpaperback ‘s OCs…or at least the ones with a visual reference.

I just want him to know how wonderful his stories and characters are and how much they make my heart happy. You inspire me daily and I hope you never quit creating beautiful, wonderful worlds.

So many Softboy characters! Thanks again for this absolutely beautiful artwork. I’m always so grateful to have your love and support.

It looks like the Chrisville Theater Society has decided to put on a production of The Wind in the Willows! The next batch of comics will be behind-the-scenes shenanigans of Chris’s toys creating their own version of his new favorite musical.

You can find Part 2 of this comic here.

In case you missed how Dirk got his anthropomorphic form, you can find Part 1 of that comic here.

Fun facts: Almost a month ago, the 2017 London Palladium production of The Wind in the Willows musical was available to watch for free on YouTube for two days. Right before that happened, Chris got a rare message from his British uncle, recommending that he watch the show. Chris has been hooked ever since, and has definitely gotten his parents to rent the show so that he can rewatch the hell out of it. (And you can do this too via the show’s website. In fact, from Nov 27-29, you can do this for 2.99 pounds, which is three pounds less than normal!)

In panel 4, Softboy is imagining Velvel Fox dressed as a fox character from the Wind in the Willows musical, which is what he’s been cast as in the Chrisville Theater Society’s production.

If you like this comic and want to see more, make sure you’re following the blog, and feel free to check out my Ko-Fi page!