For this week’s hiatus art, we see what it would look like if the Chrisville Theater Society performed The Play That Goes Wrong.

Fun facts: Last week, I saw an off-Broadway production of The Play That Goes Wrong and had an amazing time. I had already binged and re-watched Mischief’s television program The Goes Wrong Show, so having a front row experience with one of the funniest plays I’ve ever seen was more than enough to make me imagine the residents of Chrisville in these hilarious roles.

The trickiest bit of casting was Dirk as Robert and Leo as Chris. For The Play That Goes Wrong, I can actually see them alternating these roles. This is different with other Mischief projects. For The Goes Wrong Show, I always imagine Dirk as Robert and Leo as Chris. For Peter Pan Goes Wrong (the TV special version), it’s the other way around.

Finally, this image is, of course, based on the official poster for
The Play That Goes Wrong.

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We’re back to the present day, and it looks like Dirk’s flashback has given him a lot to think about. But what business could he have outside of his perch?

Fun facts: Velvel Fox and Wagon Wheels are dressed as Otter chorus members for the song “Messing About in a Boat.” They come out and dance around Mole (Softboy) and Rat (Leo).

If you like this comic, make sure to follow the blog, or consider visiting my Ko-Fi page.

Wow, Dirk gave a great performance! Or that could be the Chrisville Theater Society’s talent principle, which allows all of its members to have the amount of talent that is appropriate for both their role and the enthusiasm they put into their acting. Either way, things seem to be going very well!

Fun facts: The musical notes drawn in panels one and eight are based on the actual musical notes that precede and follow the number “Deh, vieni alla finestra,” which Dirk is singing here. If you want to hear a good example of how this song sounds, then you can check out this video here. It isn’t from the production that inspired the design of the Chrisville Theater Society’s production of Don Giovanni, but it’s still very good.

In case anyone was curious, the translation of this song is mainly a literal one. I read quite a few poetic translations before deciding to go with this one (which, while resembling a Google translate search, did not depend entirely on Google translate. I did my own research.)

Also, as you might’ve noticed, Madame Croc and Wagon Wheels (long time, no see) are also in costume. Madame Croc is cast as Donna Elvira and Wagon Wheels is cast as Donna Anna.

If you like this comic, make sure to follow the blog, or consider visiting my Ko-Fi page.

It’s time for part three of our first multi-comic story, in which I realize that it’s hard to keep coming up with exciting angles for a conversation between two people. You can find Part 1 herePart 2 here, Part 4 here, and Part 5 here.

Fun facts: Here is the first appearance of another background character: Wagon Wheels the Yeti. She is a very sweet cryptid plushie and another blatant Classic Doctor Who reference. She has been cast as a member of the female chorus for this production of HMS Pinafore.

The Chrisville Theater Society’s production bears many visual resemblances to a version of HMS Pinafore that I was in a year ago. (In fact, Softboy is playing my role as a member of the chorus.) The costumes in the comic are only half-finished, but most are clearly inspired by what we wore then. However, Madame Croc’s Little Buttercup costume and Wagon Wheel’s sister/cousin/aunt costume are of my own design. 

If you don’t want to miss the next part, make sure to follow this blog! And please consider visiting my Ko-Fi page.